
How to Upgrade Email Marketing Strategy Using CRM?

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What is “Email marketing strategy”? In the layman language, Email marketing strategy is an old technique that still does wonders in the field of marketing. A personalized email marketing strategy gives boost to the outcome. A preeminent responsibility falls on CRM to make the marketer understand the need and requirements of the target audience and act accordingly. CRM Email Marketing revolves around making customer relations for a long time, brand loyalty, and growth. With strategies that bring the client closer to the company by personalization of emails, and understanding of the customer, CRM email marketing strategies are developed.

Tips to spike up Email Marketing Strategy using CRM:

#TIP 1: Know your audience. Like:

  • Choices
  • Preferences
  • Budget
  • Mindset, etc.

A recent poll of CRM users found that 47% of respondents say CRM usage has a substantial impact on customer retention. An equal percentage say that CRM usage helped them increase customer satisfaction. (Source: Capterra)

#TIP 2: Build an analysis based on the

  • Demand
  • Sales
  • Pricing
  • Requirement

#TIP 3: Check where your customer is surfacing in the sales funnel:

  • Education
  • Pricing
  • Ready to buy
  • Conversion and Evangelist



#TIP 4: Understand the type of emails that should be sent

  • Promotional Emails (like discount notifications or season offer emails)
  • Welcome Emails
  • Launch Emails
  • Acknowledgment Emails
  • Feedback Emails (To ensure customer satisfaction is primary)
  • Survey Emails

#TIP 5: Few things to do for effective email marketing:

  • Create a catchy and attractive starting line
  • Cover your target audience nicely
  • Name your customer (because that will draw attention!)
  • Avoid generic, be personalized (always works)
  • Prepare a planner to send different emails, don’t over-cluster.
  • Know the right time and day to send the email. Below is the image for reference:

Why use CRM for Email marketing strategy?

It is one of the biggest industries with massive results showing up.

– An average company witnesses 50-70% growth in one year of time.’

– Accelerates sales and profits

– Improves productivity and efficiency

-Big companies have held CRM Email marketing strategy as an important rope like Unilever, Cisco and many more.

Salient Feature of CRM email marketing strategy

Weaves a bond between the client and company

– Grows understanding of the past requirements, present needs and future demands of the customer

– Creates a history record of each customer to understand the utility

– Connects the dots of marketing strategy and sends across as email

Role of CRM in Email Marketing Strategy

– Builds understanding between the marketer and the customer

– Personalization for each client

– Sending triggered emails frequently

– Convert the target audience into a permanent client


91% of businesses with 10 or more employees now use CRM software. (Source: CRM Magazine)

Advantages of CRM email marketing strategy

Out of the long list of advantages that CRM adds to the email marketing strategy, it’s essential to throw light on some and use them actively. Such as:
-Helps in personalization
-Increases ROI
-Improved brand name
-Increase chances of recurring sales

Results of Using CRM for Email Marketing Strategy

– Improved Engagement

– Improved Traffic

– Better Sales

– Branding/Reputation Building

CRM adds pace to the wheels of Email marketing strategy and unwinds many benefits along with that help in boosting the cause of the plan.

Source: Capterra, proideators.com, readycloud, CRM Magazine, superoffice, engagebay

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