
B2B Healthcare Marketing – The Blueprint by MedicoReach

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B2B Healthcare Marketing – The Blueprint by MedicoReach

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Here in the B2B space, potential customers of healthcare marketers are not the patients but medical organizations, decision-makers, and healthcare professionals. This makes marketing more challenging as convincing industry leaders for purchase isn’t a cake walk. Marketers need to build credibility, build trust and be able to mold the mind of even the toughest healthcare decision-maker.

With the increasing popularity of online marketing channels and tools, the healthcare industry is currently undergoing a transformative phase. B2B marketers are now embracing digital marketing practices like marketing automation, social media marketing, email marketing, SEO and content marketing.

Insightful Statistics

  • 2 out of 3 doctors use social media for professional work – EMR Thoughts.
  • 81% of hospital administrators search for a healthcare vendor online and are most likely to contact them directly – Google Think Insights.
  • Most of the healthcare buyers use mobile to read reviews, testimonials, and search for medical vendors and products. – Google Think Insights
  • 43% of B2B sales take place within six months of the first contact. – Colony Health.

Challenges of B2B Healthcare Marketing

  • Risk-averse nature of healthcare buyers slows down the purchase journey.
  • Lengthy and time-consuming decision-making process for purchase approval.
  • Healthcare companies have different budget cycles which limit the purchase time to a fixed period.
  • The pressure and fear of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
  • The dependency of healthcare companies on group purchasing organization (GPO) for negotiating and making the final purchase.
  • The pace of change in healthcare is slow which turns efforts useless.
  • Video marketing to gain more popularity as a marketing strategy.
  • Use of educational or informative content to increase.
  • Marketers to invest more in digital advertising.
  • Demand for expert online data analysts to grow.
  • Optimizing healthcare websites for mobile devices.
  • Increase in multichannel healthcare marketing initiatives.

Best B2B Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Follow

  • Use of LinkedIn and other social media channels to network and connect.
  • Conducting analytical study and research for a better understanding of buyer persona.
  • Micro-targeting with focus on a specific group of customers.
  • Creating and publishing content that is relevant and useful.
  • Developing mobile-friendly healthcare websites and interactive apps.
  • Building a powerful social media marketing plan.
  • Practicing location-based SEO and geo tagging while campaigning.
  • Leveraging artificial intelligence techniques and advanced analytics.
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