
Stats and Demographics of Nurses in USA

Home » Stats and Demographics of Nurses in USA
  • Apr 28, 2023
  • Posted By: admin

Stats and Demographics of Nurses in USA


Infographic Content

There are 2,824,641 Registered Nurses (RNs) and 690,038 Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) in the United States.


203,000 registered nurse positions will be produced in the United States by the end of 2030.

Gender statistics

Total Number of female registered nurses in USA 2,519,681

Total Number of male registered nurses in USA 386,526

86.7% of registered nurses are female in the USA

LPNs and RNs by age

The average age of an LPN working in the United States is 43.6 years old

The average age of an RN working in the United States is 44.6 years old

Race and Ethnicity statistics

  • 9% identify themselves as African Americans

279,000 RNs

162,800 LNPs

  • 3% belong to the Asian ethnicity

234,400 Asian RNs

24,800 LPNs

  • 8% are Hispanic or Latino

135,600 Hispanic and Latino nurses in the United States

  • 4% consider themselves as American Indians or Alaskan Native

4,100 LPNs and 11,300 RNs that are American Indian/ Alaska Native

Employment Statistics

The Nursing profession employs around 2,596,600 Registered Nurses in the United States

Education Statistics

New registered nurses (RNs) at the baccalaureate level, enrollment increased by 5.6% with 251,145 students.

Nurse Degree Levels

The most common degree for registered nurses is associate degree. And 44% of registered nurses earn bachelor’s degree.

  • Associate, 46%
  • Bachelors, 44%
  • Masters, 5%
  • Diploma, 5%
  • Other Degrees, 0%

Foreign Languages Spoken By Registered Nurses

58.5% of registered nurses spoke Spanish, the second popular foreign language is French.

  • Spanish, 58.5%
  • Fresh, 8.0%
  • Russian, 4.8%
  • Portuguese, 3.1%
  • Chinese, 2.9%
  • Other, 22.7%

Industries Hiring Registered Nurses

84% of healthcare industries hiring registered nurses. Industries include education, professional, insurance also hiring registered nurses.

  • Healthcare, 84%
  • Professional, 4%
  • Fortune 500, 3%
  • Non Profits, 2%
  • Education, 2%
  • Insurance, 1%

Work/Pay Statistics

  • On average the RN work for 37 hours a week in the United States
  • The average salary of a full-time Registered Nurse is $67,930 in the United States.
  • Certified Nurse Anesthetics earns the highest compared to all nurses averaging $154,390 annually.


The “Stats and Demographics of Nurses in the United States” report by MedicoReach is a powerful and valuable indicator of the demographic trends that have dominated the US nursing industry. By turning data into information that can be used to take action plans, the report is critical to successfully targeting nurses.

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