
Email Engagement Metrics of Different Devices

No matter how many new channels of communication evolve, email still happens to be the most effective way of generating quality leads. Every day the number of email users is increasing and so are the opportunities for marketers to get themselves noticed via email marketing campaigns. When it comes to the B2B industry, email is the third most influential medium of information for professionals.

Although email still rules but there have been changes in the type of device people use to view their emails. Earlier, people mostly used the desktop to open their email accounts and go through it. However, now things have changed. Digitalization has paved the way for innovation in every sphere of life. Now, most of the email users prefer using mobile device or tablets to view emails. The convenience of using these devices from anywhere and anytime makes them popular among people of all ages. Even the busy B2B executives nowadays mostly use mobile to read emails. This sudden change in the email consumption has compelled marketers to design email templates that can be viewable on any device.

Email Engagement Metrics of Different DevicesHere are the Metrics to Note - MedicoReach Cover Page

To know which device type drives what percentage of email engagement, from click-through rates to click rate by link depth, our market report on email engagement metrics of different devices covers the following segments for detailed understanding:

  • % of Email Addresses for Each Device Type
  • % of Email Clicks Based on the Type of Device
  • % of Total and Unique Click Rates by Device Type
  • Click Rate by Link Depth of Different Devices
  • Unique and Total Click Rates of Responsive Templates by Device Type

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