
Email Statistics to Inspire Holiday Marketing in 2019

Holidays are the time to sell more and earn more. Businesses across various industries are keen to make the most out of their holiday marketing opportunities, and for that, they invest in strategies that are reliable and productive. Email marketing is the favorite of almost all B2B marketers. Even in the healthcare space, marketers trust email campaigns to reach a wider customer base, especially during the holiday season, which includes Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and Cyber Monday. Although the healthcare industry is shielded with regulations and compliances, still email is the one widely chosen marketing channel that helps healthcare marketers generate quality leads that can fetch higher revenue.

The holiday season begins with Thanksgiving that finally ends with Christmas and New Year Celebrations. Especially during the long weekend that follows Thanksgiving, we have Black Friday and Cyber Monday that invites a huge crowd to the online as well as retail stores in the US. Now, the brands try to attract a maximum number of attention, and so they start engaging the audience with campaigns a month before. Holiday-themed email campaigns are designed to connect with the audience and revive their holiday mood with exciting deals. The popularity of emails for holiday marketing is increasing, which is evident through last year’s email marketing statistics.  In 2018, 3.5 billion emails were sent on Black Friday and 4.1 billion on Cyber Monday, which is enormous. In the history of holiday marketing, last year’s performance was by far the best in generating responses and driving revenue generation.

In this detailed report, we have tried to highlight some interesting statistics about last year’s holiday marketing so that marketers can learn and accordingly plan their strategies for 2019. This email statistics report throws light on various email marketing practices and strategies that healthcare marketers can use to optimize their holiday marketing efforts. Download the report to get better market insights from 2018’s holiday marketing performance to make informed decisions and use strategies wisely for this year’s celebrations. Here is a list of the key points covered in our market report:
  • Industry-wise email marketing performance
  • Important stats from 2018
  • Email is the top holiday marketing channel based on conversion rate
  • Holiday Season Email Statistics and Trends
And more
Email Statistics to Inspire Holiday Marketing in 2019

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