
Ambulatory Care

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Ambulatory care, also known as outpatient care refers to medical care which includes treatment, diagnosis, observation, and rehabilitation provided to an outpatient without admitting him/her to the hospital.

This type of care offers immediate and fast services to patients without the need to get admitted to the hospital. Although it works outside the hospital setup, it consists of all the facilities and importance as the inpatient care.

Healthcare professionals including registered nurses, doctors, surgical technicians, physical therapists, medical administration staff, assistants and medical lab technicians all work in an ambulatory care setting. There is no extra qualification required for healthcare specialists to be able to work in an ambulatory care center. However, nurses can undertake a specialized course to become an ambulatory care nurse (CAN).

All the ambulatory care centers comprise surgical units, dialysis clinic, hospital outpatient units, and physicians and other medical professional offices. Patients get direct access to treatment and necessary care without any delay in the ambulatory care unit.


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