
Data Appending

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B2B Data Appending Services

When it comes to having information about your prospective buyers, the more, the merrier. B2B data appending services are aimed at adding more information, which is relevant and accurate, to your existing database. The direct consequence of data appending is an up-to-date, reliable, and accurate database which you can leverage and aim your sales and marketing campaigns in the right direction. In the long run, the value of data appending will be displayed by your revenue and ROI.

There are two important aspects in the business market today. First, that it is highly competitive, and second, data available in terms of quantity is mammoth. The varied media from which data is generated adds to the complexity of data.

Quality always overrides quantity no matter in which industry or vertical you are doing business. And nowhere is it as prominent as it is when it comes to have the information about your prospects. Because B2B businesses cannot afford to have wrong information about their niche market, they must acquire data appending services in a timely manner.

Types Of Data Appending Services

  • Contact Name Appending
  • Phone Appending
  • Company Name Appending
  • Company Revenue Size Appending
  • Company Employee Size Appending
  • Social Profile Appending
  • URL Appending
  • FAX Appending
  • Exhibitors Data Appending
  • Mailing Address Appending
  • Reverse Phone Appending

Benefits Of Data Appending

Data appending companies today are in great demand due to the value they bring for businesses by enhancing their customer databases. Let us enumerate some of the most important benefits of data appending:

1. Information In A Better Format

On procuring data appending services, in addition to getting reliable and accurate information about your prospects, what you also get is information in a better format. There is a consistency in the data that makes it quite easy to consume.

2. Immaculate Information

When you are procuring best of the best data append services some of the common but significant errors will be eliminated. Mistakes such as typos, misplaced data, not updated pin codes, etc. will not be present in your database and you will have guaranteed success rate in your sales and marketing campaigns.

3. Reduction In Waste Of Resources

As a business, your focus must be towards your domain. Say, for instance, if you are into software application development, you must emphasize more on leveraging the latest emerging technologies and developing cutting-edge solutions. Spending time in finding your niche customers from unreliable sources or in a sporadic manner will not serve your purpose and result in wasting a lot of time and resources which could have been utilized otherwise.

4. Hyper-Segmentation

B2B data appending allows distribution of data into various segments. Thus, the work of your sales and marketing teams will be eased because they will be able to strategize personalized campaigns. And personalized communication with prospects increases the chances of conversion considerably thus enhancing your revenue and ROI.

5. Information In A Cost-Effective Way

As mentioned earlier, it is undesirable for any business to hunt customer data haphazardly instead of focusing on their core business. B2B data append allows you to get relevant and updated information at a reasonable rate as compared to the amount of dollars you would have to spend on extracting it yourself.

6. Challenges Of Data Appending

A study by Dun & Bradstreet in 2018 showed that about half of the decisions taken by B2B marketers and salespeople are not based upon quantitative data analysis but on experience and instinct. The reason for this might be the fact that one-third of the organizations in the US consider their prospective and existing customer data to be inaccurate.

Although B2B marketers, in pursuit of devising lead generation strategies, might once procure data appending services online and/or data cleansing frequently; old, outdated data, nevertheless, continues to reside in their databases.

Why does the database decay? Based on a Forrester Research survey of about 500 data and decision strategy makers, following are some of the reasons of decayed database:

  • Incorrect entry due to human error.
    • Lack of inter-department collaboration and communication.
    • Poor Data Appending and cleansing strategies.
    • Meager budgets.
    • Absence of relevant technologies.

Technology can come to the rescue mitigating most of the errors committed by human by automating the redundant tasks. If there is a lack of communication and collaboration, we can have respective industry applications that binds an organization to its stakeholders on a seamless platform. Effective B2B data appending services are all about following the right strategies and leveraging the suitable technology solutions. One must realize this fact and invest upon finding ways so that the company budget is not depleted but remains feasible.

Professional Data Appending services can help you overcome all of the challenges associated with data appending. The issues of absence of relevant technologies, following the right strategy, and carrying out a feasibility study based on the requirements, a professional partner will deliver the best results.

Why Should Marketers Consider Leveraging Data Appending Services?

Procuring quality data appending services result in immense value for the marketing and sales campaigns of every organization. It gives you the complete and accurate information about your prospective buyers and previous customers.

When you are aware of who your customers are you can plan your marketing and sales strategies in a better way accommodating customization, segmentation, and personalization which will not only enhance your revenue and ROI, but will also establish your reputation as one of the best data appending services providers.

In the B2B sector, customer data plays a vital role because the B2B decision-making process is lengthier there compared to the B2C sector. Moreover, in B2B business, there are many stakeholders involved who take more time and consideration to start a business with a prospective client.

The necessity for data appending for your business has now become overbearing if you want your marketing and sales campaigns to succeed. Consider the following statistics for one year (2018-19):

  • More than 30% of people changed their jobs.
  • More than 60% of people changed their job titles.
  • About 40% of sales and marketing campaigns failed because of inconsistent data.

Therefore, procuring B2B Data Append services must be one of the topmost priorities for businesses.

The technology world is advancing at a rapid pace amidst Industry 4.0. If you look at the trends, you will find three concepts at their peak, which can positively influence your decision with respect to procuring professional data management (including data appending) service.

Technology Data Appending Application
Automation Data Hygiene process that is highly efficient, unattended, and self-updating.
Analytics Examining raw data to derive insights to determine whether it is of value or plain noise.
Cloud Computing Leverage Cloud CRMs with in-built tools for customer profiling, segmenting, and targeting.

Those respondents who put the blame on technology (lack of relevant technology) must seriously consider getting professional help. For others as well, partnering with a data management service provider is feasible. Delegate your data appending, cleansing, and in short, data management needs to the expert and instead focus on your core business.

Frequently Asked Questions (Faqs)

What Is Data Appending?

The word ‘append’ literally means to add something at the end of something else. In the world of databases, data appending is adding new information about customers to their existing data so that the information at our disposal is accurate, verified, and complete.

The need for data appending for your business has now become imperative if you want your marketing and sales campaigns to succeed.

Data Appending must be one of the topmost priorities for businesses.

How Is Data Appending Different From Data Enrichment And Data Cleansing?

Data enrichment is the umbrella term under which data appending and data cleansing can be placed. It is the complete process through which decayed data is transformed into fresh data with authenticity, accuracy, and actionable use.

Data cleansing is the process of determining whether the data is still effective based on its correctness and validity. It is more or less about keeping the databases free from data that has become invalid and can give wrong information to the users.

Data appending and data enrichment are many a times used interchangeably. Data appending as we have already discussed is adding the missing information to the databases.

Why And How Is Data Appending Carried Out?

When we add new data elements to enhance and update an existing database so that marketers and sales teams can leverage it to plan and execute their sales and marketing campaigns, what we are doing is termed as data appending. A simple example of data appending is an organization enhancing their customers’ profiles in a timely fashion. These companies, very often than not, collect basic information of the clients such as phone numbers, designation, mailing address, etc. Over a period of time, these information are susceptible to change. An executive’s designation might change after promotion, or a manager might change her job due to which her complete data profile will change. So, all the pieces of information that a company has is compared with a much larger and authentic database and then updated carefully.

Why Should I Partner With A Professional Data Management Service Provider For Data Appending?

It cannot be denied that data appending is vital for the business. Although it is challenging, one must be ready to identify the challenges and not remain stuck in trying to find solutions. This simply means, you have to take the call whether each of the challenges can be solved at your end or you have to procure professional help?

Human error, poor strategies, and technological limitations can be rectified either by hiring specialists or by delegating your data management needs to an expert. For the lack of communication between departments, there can be several reasons—you need to identify and eliminate them all. In the case of budgets, you have to do the feasibility analysis to decide upon whether to take professional help or build an in-house team.

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