
Skilled Nursing Care

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Skilled nursing care refers to the type of care provided by licensed nurses in a skilled nursing facility (SNF) under certain conditions for a limited time. Patients who require rehabilitation services, assistance with wound dressing or are experiencing sudden changes in health, suffering from severe illness or accident injuries are the ones who need skilled nursing. Residential facilities like nursing homes are the ones who provide specialized nursing services to patients on a 24 hours basis. If a physician feels that a patient require skilled nursing care, the Medicare covers the cost and pays for the skilled services the patient avails.

The services that Medicare cover include medication, meals, medical equipment, physical and occupational therapies, ambulation transportation to the medical facility, speech-language pathology services, etc. Medicare covers bed cost of the patient as well. However, there are facilities and services within skilled nursing care that Medicare doesn’t cover.

Skilled nursing care offers organized set up for patients to recover faster and achieve their health goals without any hindrances.

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