
MedicoReach Helped a Healthcare Brand Strategy and Positioning Firm to Get Their Requirements at the Eleventh Hour

Client Background

The Healthcare Brand Strategy and Positioning Firm was founded in 2006, and since then, it has expanded its offices to Canada and Japan as well. Its headquarter is located in New Jersey. The company works towards brand positioning and validation development.

It is working towards evaluating their brand name, repositioning their brand, and developing a brand strategy. The company is also looking for different ways to optimize its brand.

Recently, they found some quantitative and strategic market research to aid them in global brand name development, but they weren’t sure it was the most accurate and assessed data.

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    As the company worked with different clients, they faced a few challenges beforehand. Here are the main ones:

    • The client could not find important contacts. These include healthcare professionals, medical executive, doctors, and every relevant person.
    • They couldn’t find relevant information pertaining to the contacts, such as email addresses and phone numbers.
    • The client was not getting a decent response rate. It was below 5%.


    Through healthcare emailing lists, the company was able to provide the following solutions to the client:

    • They targeted their email lists. Their target audience consisted of all types of healthcare professionals and patients.
    • They also targeted based on geographical locations. This included Canada, France, Italy, the UK, Spain, China, and Japan.
    • Updated its database about existing Medical professionals, Healthcare executives and removed the inactive ones.
    • Added 4,567 subscribers to their email lists.


    The company noticed tons of improvements post applying some of these solutions. They were as follows:

    • The delivery rate increased to 97%.
    • Achieved great results over branding for their clients, also marketed clients products through multiple targeted Campaigns.
    • The targeted campaigns increased the brand reach by 5x.
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